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Compscore3 Movement Templates - Mitchell / Two-Winner

Compscore3 has most standard Mitchell movements build it. Howell and other one-winner movements, Team movements, and specialised Mitchells, are all managed using templates.

Templates are simply CSV files in a specific format. You can create them with Excel, or use Compscore3's in-built template creation process.

There is a built-in option in Compscore3 to refresh all your templates automatically based on the latest templates on this web site (internet connection required). This is located under Setup | Movement Templates | Download Templates. Otherwise you can download them individually from the list below (click and choose Save As).

Templates - Mitchell / Two-Winner      Howell / One-Winner      Teams

Master sheets etc - Mitchell / Two-Winner      Howell / One-Winner      Teams

Special Mitchell movements (Templates are stored in your C:\Compscore3\Templates\Mitchell folder)
McK - 6T 6 extra brd.csv
McK - 8T 8R Web.csv
Template - 13 tables 11 rounds 1 share and 1 floating share.csv
Template - 13.5 tables rover 11 rounds 1 share and 1 floating share .csv
Template - 14 table 11 round web mitchell with rover.csv
Template - 14 table 11 round web mitchell.csv
Template - 15 table web, 11 rounds.csv
Template - 15.5 table web, 11 rounds with rover.csv
Template - 17 table 33 board web mitchell.csv
Template - Appendix Mitchell 14 tables 11 rounds.csv
Template - Appendix Mitchell 15 tables 11 rounds.csv
Template - Appendix Mitchell 16 tables 11 rounds.csv
Template - Mitchell 10 tables 11 rounds wth revenge round.csv
Template - Mitchell 10.5 tables s-and-b rover 0-1-7-2-8-3-9-4-10-5.csv
Template - Mitchell 8.5 tables s-and-b rover 0-1-6-2-7-3-8-4.csv