Masterpoints are automatically calculated for each session in Compscore2. However, the posting of masterpoints to players is not done until the masterpoint wizard has been run at the end of the month or quarter. Therefore, there is no problem as regards deducting and adding masterpoints following corrections to sessions through the month.
From the main Compscore2 screen, click Masterpoints.
This launches the masterpoints wizard, which consists of several steps.
First, choose the sessions you want to masterpoint. The
display will list all those sessions that have not currently been closed.
Click Select All if you want to quickly select all the sessions listed.
Then click Next.
The next screen displays all players who need attention. Typically this is because of missing ABF Numbers.
Problems like missing ABF Numbers can be addressed by editing the player details within the Members area (accessed on the main form) by either
adding the ABF Number (see below section re Members Editing); or
by loading the session (via Open Bridgemate Session) and editing as necessary.
You can make these changes while the Masterpoints wizard
is still open. If you do, remember to click the Refresh
button when you have made the change to a session or to the Members file
in order to have that change reflected in this Masterpoints wizard screen.
When you are happy that only those players listed in this screen will not have their masterpoints processed (i.e. for a non-member who doesn’t have an ABF number), click Next.
The wizard will now calculate the masterpoints entitlement, and present a screen where you can manually add masterpoints (e.g. for a manually scored session), print various reports, and create the file for the Masterpoints Centre.
(Note that if you have scored sessions using the old Compscore program, you can either create a separate masterpoints file using that program and send both files to the Masterpoints Centre, or import those sessions into Compscore2 (under File | Import) and those results will be amalgamated into Compscore2’s masterpoints ledger.)
To add masterpoint adjustments, click Create,
and enter the Member Number, the masterpoints colour and number (no decimals)
and an options Details line. There is no editing or deleting possible
– to reduce masterpoints, simply enter a minus number.
When done, you can print a list of the adjustments by clicking the List button.
The reports available are:
• Masterpoints by Player – a list of player names and their masterpoint earnings;
• Masterpoints by Session – a list of sessions and total masterpoints for each session
• Masterpoints Exclusion Report – a listing of masterpoints that will be lost because of the player not having an ABF Number
• Masterpoints Ledger – listing masterpoints earnings by player
Once you are happy with the position, you can create the
file for sending to the Masterpoints Centre.
The file name needs to be made up in a strict format, with the only variable being the first letter, which you can choose. You also need to choose the period (month and year) as this makes up part of the file name. When you have made these sections, click Make File. This will create the file in the ABF masterpoints sub-folder under your Compscore2 program folder.
You should always check that the file created is valid by running it through the Nat4win.exe program supplied by the Masterpoints Centre. This will show the masterpoints total, and will also show any inactive members or invalid ABF numbers. If you have copied the Masterpoint Centre program and data files to your Compscore2\ABF folder, you can launch this program by clicking the Launch button on this screen.
When you’re happy with the file, it should then be emailed to the Masterpoints Centre in the usual way. if you have email set up on the PC you are working on, you can facilitate this by clicking Email.
Once this is done, click Next.
This is the finalisation step.
Under normal circumstances, you should click both the checkboxes on this screen.
Closing masterpointed sessions [x]: Closing the masterpointed sessions will remove them from the mail Open Bridgemate Sessions screen and will also exclude them from future masterpointing processes.
Erase Bridgemate databases [x]: Erasing Bridgemate databases will remove the Bridgemate database files (the BWS files) which serve no purpose once the session is complete. The session and all details remain in the Compscore2 database.
When ready to close the masterpoints process, click Finish.
If you realise that you’ve closed sessions that you need to re-open, this can be done from the Processes | Reopen Sessions menu option.
If you are running a Gold Point Event, masterpoints can still be tracked, but these events will not appear in the Masterpoints Wizard because cold masterpoints need to be sent via the State Masterpoint Secretary. To prepare the file, select Masterpoints - Gold from the Players menu. This loads an identical Masterpoints Wizard where only gold point events are visible, and you can follow the process described above.